Free DHL shipping on EU & UK orders over 30 €!

Safety & Security

How can I trust buying on
We know that safety and trust are really important to you and being frequent online shoppers ourselves we take it seriously. When you purchase an item on, you are buying from a real, registered company. All legal information about us can be found at the bottom of the page.
What forms of payment does accept?
We are accepting payment via Stripe (Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, etc.) and PayPal. All credit cards used for payment must have a valid billing address.
Are my payments secure?
All orders are encrypted with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology on both your end and ours. SSL encrypts all of your personal information including credit card number, name, and address so that it cannot be read as the information travels over the Internet. In order for SSL to work, you must use an SSL-enabled browser. For your own safety, we do not store any payment information.




How do I check the status of my order?
Log in to your account, and if you don't have one, write to us at our Contact Us page.

Is my shipment secure?
We strive to make all shipments as secure as possible: Each shipment is carefully packed and protected against damage. We always send trackable parcels.

Which countries do you ship to?
We try to send our products to the whole European Union and to selected countries outside the EU. The countries for which shipping is available are clearly indicated on the product or checkout page.

How much will the delivery cost me?
This is subjective depending on where is the its destination. Also delivery type (standard or express) will affect the price. Delivery costs are clearly stated on the checkout page while buying.
Please note: some countries may charge customs and duties for your parcel. You are responsible for these customs and duties charges.

How long does it take normally for an order to arrive?
The delivery time is usually 7 days and depends on the distance between you and MUKA office (Poland, EU). The expected delivery time may be longer due to a seasonal increase in sales on the global market. Be sure to check out the shipping company’s estimated delivery time when they send you the tracking number for your order. The shipping time does not include the manufacturing process. All our products are created on demand for each client individually.

Do I have to pay customs?
If the Customer is located outside of the territory of the European Union the Customer is responsible for paying sales tax (as applicable within each jurisdiction). MUKA will not be held responsible for any such sale tax. If the customer is located within the European Union sales tax is included in the price of the Product.

Can I return MUKA products I received?
You may return MUKA products within 14 calendar days of delivery and you will receive a refund of 100% of the value of the order minus the shipping cost. The product is eligible for return if it is unopened, in the original packaging, and not damaged. MUKA products need to be sent at the customer’s cost to the address provided at the bottom of the page. After receiving the package the amount will be refunded to your account within 14 days. Please note: Shipping and Handling are not refundable.
In case of any concerns, please reach out to contact us.



Privacy & Policy

Information collected or received may collect personally identifiable information, such as your name. may also collect anonymous demographic information, which is not unique to you, such as your age and gender. We may gather additional personal or non-personal information in the future.
You can find a Privacy Policy document here: Privacy Policy
Information about your computer hardware and software may be automatically collected by This information can include your IP address browser type, domain names, access times, and referring website addresses. This information is used for the operation of the service, to maintain the quality of the service, and to provide general statistics regarding the use of the website.

Collection and use of personal information collects and uses your personal information to operate its website(s) and deliver the services you have requested.
When you place an order on the Site, you must provide your first and last name, a valid email address, phone number, billing address, shipping address, and credit card number. We will use this information to fulfill the order you place and to communicate with you about it. uses your information for four purposes: (1) to fulfill the orders you place on the Site, (2) to answer any customer service inquiries that you may have, (3) to contact you about special offers, news and new products and (4) to understand the shopping habits of our customers to better serve them in the future.

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You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to fully experience the interactive features of services or websites you visit.